Smart valves

Integration of 5G private network
and low orbit satellite IOT

Smawave 5G private network empower smart valves,and drive integrated innovative applications such as "hydraulic balance", "efficient transmission and distribution", "pump valve energy saving" and "energy management and control"; The remote monitoring system realizes intelligent control of remote electric valve equipment by 5G private network+low orbit satellite.

Overview of Smart Valve

Business Value

  • Intelligent hydraulic balance

    When the flow at each end of the system changes, ensure the optimal flow or reasonable flow demand at each end.

  • http://
    Efficient digitization of transmission and distribution

    The intelligent valve controller uploads the parameters to the cloud platform and monitors the operation status of the transmission and distribution pipe network in real-time to ensure efficient digitization of transmission and distribution.

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    Pump and valve energy-saving integration

    Through the coupling action of intelligent valve and pump speed regulation, the flow and head of pump can be reduced, and the energy-saving potential of frequency conversion technology can be maximized.

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    Digital intelligence of energy control

    The intelligent valve can directly measure the temperature in the pipeline and transmit the data to the energy management system. It can ensure accuracy and reliability, reduce the cost, but also effectively improve the number of intelligent energy management.

Industry customer evaluation

Smawave smart valve provides important smart support for our company to achieve system energy conservation and valve integrated control.

Build unboundedness with boundedness, realize infinite extension of space with the help of information transmission of Smawave 5G private network, and realize infinite filling of space with the help of Smawave smart valve product quality.

The application iteration and continuous upgrading of Smawave smart valve have strongly promoted the development of fluid transmission and distribution system towards energy efficiency, digital intelligence and networking.